About Experiences


Al Halaby

Hey ! I'm Soliman, a twenty years old fullstack developer. Currently based in Paris. I have a particular interest in creative development and immersive experiences. I’m looking an internship as developper in a creative agency!

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Tremplin Digital
Dreamline Studio
Three.js Journey

I am a 3rd year student at Hetic where we learn web development, web design and communication.

Despite the fact that I have deepened the web development, in order to understand and be able to touch everything, I have not neglected the design as well as the communication, because in my point of vue it’s important to understand all the aspect of a project and to be able to discuss it with my teammates.

Moreover, I'm used to working in a team since Hetic trains us to do so by setting up many projects in groups.

On top of that, I had the chance to start my freelance work for an agency setting up WordPress websites.

This allowed me to discover WordPress and the different modules, which are offered, including custom themes. As a first experience, it was enriching both from a technical point of view but also professionally speaking.

I'm currently an intern as a front-end developer at ultranoir, a webdesign - communication agency that works mainly with luxury brands and produces immersive websites.

I have the opportunity to work on several frameworks (react - vue) by combining environments (Gatsby)

Last summer I did an internship as a fullstack developer at Dreamline Studio in Paris.

I had the chance to touch many subjects and to deepen my knowledge in web development as well as in communication by participating to different meetings with clients.

This was my first real experience in an agency that I really appreciated, which is why I'm looking again for an agency or a studio.

The internship went well and I work as a freelance for this agency allowing me to continue to have activities.

In parallel to my different activities, I was able to follow the enriching Three Js Journey training which allowed me to acquire solid bases in Three JS and thus to launch me in the creation of sites in Three JS.

I would also like to thank Mr. Bruno Simon who allowed me to discover web development which has now become my passion.